Join us for VBS
June 10-14, 2024
Uncover The Truth About Jesus and register your children for Breaker Rock Beach Vacation Bible School.
Frequently Asked Questions about VBS
What ages are eligible to come to Vacation Bible School?
All children who are entering Kindergarten - 6th grade are eligible to participate! Invite friends and neighbors to join us, too! Be sure to enter the grade your child will enter in the upcoming fall during the registration process.
Is anyone eligible to volunteer at VBS?
We only allow teens and adults who complete our volunteer training and pass a Background Check to serve.
Are volunteer’s kids who are younger than kindergarten eligible to come?
Yes! We have full childcare for infants and toddlers of our VBS volunteers. We also have a full VBS curriculum for PreK.
What should my child wear?
Casual attire is best (shorts, t-shirts) with close-toed shoes (no flip flops, please; tennis shoes preferred). Your child will have a game time every day, and they will need to be comfortably dressed. Also, sometimes crafts can get a little messy, so wear something that you don’t mind getting dirty.
What should my child bring?
As little as possible. They will be moving from room to room, and unnecessary stuff can get lost easily.
May I stay on campus during VBS?
Parents are more than welcome to stay for the opening worship rally in the parent Zone! For the safety of all children, any visitors or parents who wish to stay throughout the day will need to remain in our Care Café which is intended to cater to care givers and parents of our VBS children.
What types of snacks will you serve?
VBS snacks each day will be themed to VBS (with a gluten-free option). A daily list of snacks will be available for parents. Be sure to list all food allergies on the registration form as we are able to adapt to most food allergies.
How will my child’s food allergies be handled?
Make sure you indicate any allergies on the registration form. We have a daily snack and also provide a gluten-free alternative if requested in advance.
We will not be able to give a snack that contains an allergy that is listed on the registration form. A child cannot authorize or give a verbal parental okay to eat the snacks if an allergy has been listed on their registration form. If you would like to bring an alternative snack, please leave it with the VBS Director, labeled with your child’s name and grade level at drop off.
How do I know what group my child will be in?
We usually finalize the groups on the weekend before VBS begins so when you check in your child, they will have the group’s assignment on their name tag.
Can my child be in a group with a friend?
We try to honor requests for your child to be with their friends. All of our games, crafts and lessons are geared towards specific ages so if there is grade level difference in children, we would ask that your child stays in their appropriate group.
Is there a cost?
No, but we will have a community service or missions project that kids are encouraged to donate to.
What time should I bring my child?
Our building will open at 8:45am. The main session doors will open at 9:00 am for drop off. We ask that a parent/adult walk your child into the building and through the check in line each day. Pick up is every day at 12:00 pm.
How do I pick up my child?
Pick up is every day at 12:00 pm. Please park and come in to pick up your child(ren). We will ask you to show your pick-up tag upon pick up.
If you forget or lose your child’s pick-up tag, please visit the registration desk for a replacement. In case of an Emergency, we will only release a child to a Parent listed on the Registration form, or an Emergency Contact listed on the Registration form. Anytime a pick-up tag is unavailable a valid state or government issued identification card will be required for anyone attempting to pick up a child.
What if someone other than me is picking up my child?
Please let the VBS Director know, as soon as possible if someone other than you will be picking up your child. Be sure to give your child’s security tag to that person. If that person does not have your child’s security tag, he/she will be asked to step aside until you can be contacted. A valid state or government issued identification card will be required for anyone attempting to pick up a child without the pick-up tag.
What should I do if my child has been waitlisted?
Occasionally, registration exceeds the maximum number of children that a grade can hold safely. When this happens, we must move to a waitlist, and start verifying the children that still plan to attend VBS. We then call through the waitlist in order and offer spots as they become available.
What should I do if my child is in need of special assistance?
In an effort to be more inclusive and to serve your child well, please disclose any information on the registration form regarding special education services that your child receives or would receive in a public education setting. This will help us in providing the best care that we are able to for each child at VBS.
Please note that opening and closing ceremonies may include loud sounds, flashing lights and large groups. Please disclose any information on the registration form regarding your child that may cause anxious or irritable behavior in the situations described. We are able to remove your child or provide disposable ear protection that may be helpful to their overall experience.
What kind of behavior is expected from my child while at VBS?
At VBS, we encourage children to engage with high energy in various activities centered around learning about the Good News of Jesus Christ.
While we recognize that children may express themselves differently, we expect all participants to demonstrate respect towards others through their actions, language, and attitude.
In the event that corrective action is necessary due to behavior that disrupts the positive atmosphere, we will kindly request the child to adjust their behavior to align with our values of respect and kindness. In rare cases where behavior poses a risk of harm to others, parents or guardians will be contacted for early pickup.
What if I need to get in contact with my child while they are at VBS?
Please contact the church office at 281-482-0239.